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Record companies agree: podcasting helps music discovery

Record companies agree: podcasting helps music discovery

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This article is at least a year old

  • The BPI and Music Ally presented a report last night in London into podcasting, noting that millennials are driving the medium’s growth. “20% of listening time among people between the ages of 15 and 24 was spent on podcasts, compared to 24% on live radio and 26% on music streaming.” In a survey of record companies, 94% of respondents agreed with the view that podcasts help to promote music acts. The full report is here.

    • At the event it was also noted that “music rights are a disaster”, with music podcasts being unable to play the very thing they’re talking about.
  • How better to discover podcasts than… by colour. A strangely addictive tool from German podcast directory Fyyd.

  • CastChamp is a new service that promises “data on over 100,000 podcasts in one place, complete with audience type and contact info”. The comments in this Reddit thread are probably worth reading.

    Aug 14 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Use Pocket Casts? They’re breaking bits of it on Sunday night, for a short while, while they “enable some new and exciting features later this year”.

  • Ultraschall is a set of plugins and customisations for the popular Reaper digital audio editor, making it more suited to podcasting.

  • Podcast consultant Evo Terra is launching the Advancing Podcasting Party - a collective of people that want to help podcasting grow.

  • Help wanted: we’d like to enhance our how to embed the Spotify podcast player page into one that focuses on all freely-available embedded podcast players for websites. Any that you want to suggest? We’re at


    New, from an Australian entrepreneur, The Digital Love Podcast interviews technology experts, investors, and founders about how they manage their own tech usage.

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