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Matthew Bannister to launch Folk on Foot; and launch of AudioUK

Matthew Bannister to launch Folk on Foot; and launch of AudioUK

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This article is at least a year old

  • Matthew Bannister, the BBC presenter and former Radio 1 Controller, is to launch a new podcast called Folk on Foot: with some of the UK’s finest folk artists, he’ll take listeners to the heartland of the places that have inspired their music.

  • The UK has a new trade body for UK audio production companies: AudioUK’s launch has been welcomed by government and industry organisations. AudioUK used to be known as the Radio Independents Group, and already has over a hundred member companies.

  • Anchor have launched new podcast sharing controls, containing - for Anchor users - “links to your podcast everywhere it’s available”. They give this example.

  • Louis Armstrong is to get a bio-podcast; Pops is being written by Mark Ramsey, author of the Inside Jaws podcast.

  • An hour’s program on NHPR (New Hampshire Public Radio) about the podcast scene and the station’s podcast recommendations.

  • Local podcasters could be an asset for newsrooms, says an article from the Online News Association.

  • Australian podcast production house Nearly have launched Silent Waves, which the company calls “the most complex and compelling show we’ve produced to date”. The website contains the back story.

  • Podcast app Castbox has published a full statement about their altered and republished RSS feeds, which we investigated on June 29.

  • Nick Quah’s HotPod is out; he discusses Castbox’s announcement last week (the “premium model” one, not the “we’ve stopped copying your RSS feeds” one.)

    • HotPod’s own website has been redesigned, and Quah promises his weekly updates will be around half the length that they were. It is; at just under 13 minutes reading time.
  • Power of Podcasting: Locals prove profitability is possible is a beguiling headline from the SBJ in Springfield MI, USA. The entire article is behind a paywall though.

  • Buzzfeed speculates that the final version of BBC Sounds, the BBC’s new audio app, might include podcasts from other producers as well as the UK public service broadcaster. (Opinion: Hell, meet snowball.)

Podnews was featured in Product Hunt yesterday. We also broke the 3,000 subscriber barrier: thank you!

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