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Applications now open for Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship

Applications now open for Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship

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This article is at least a year old

  • Applications are now open for a new annual $20,000 fellowship for an Australian resident to create innovative audio stories in memory of award-winning Australian audio producer Jesse Cox. The Jesse Cox Audio Fellowship say they “are looking for proposals for audio stories that are creative, innovative, ambitious, brave and elevates diverse voices.”

  • Karen Geier’s podcast On Belief: A podcast about cults recieved a Cease and Desist from… someone. Before she’d even made the podcast. Here’s how she’s dealing with it.

  • If you don’t have the Spotify Daily Podcast playlist, here’s where it apparently lives. (Thanks to Adam Jaffrey for sleuthing!)

    Aug 14 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.

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