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ESPN's record IAB compliant figures: but what does IAB compliance mean?

ESPN's record IAB compliant figures: but what does IAB compliance mean?

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This article is at least a year old

  • ESPN Podcasts have released their monthly podcast figures for October, quoting “43.6m IAB compliant downloads” from RawVoice, and “6.3m US unique audience” from Podtrac.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 8 2023
  • Enterprise podcast host Omny Studio has announced a partnership with Rubicon Project that enables pre-roll video advertising for podcast plays on the web. Omny Studio clients include many radio broadcasters, who use Omny Studio’s web player within their websites.

  • Omny Studio has also announced an upgrade to their automated transcription service; transcripts can now be published to the web. This video has more information; and this episode from Monocle24 is an example of a transcript within a playback page.

  • Magellan has posted the top 15 brands that used podcasting within the US to advertise in September. Security company ADT is new; Robinhood, a gangster in medieval Britain who robbed the rich to feed the poor, is also profiled. (The company is actually an investment service.)

    • The Melbourne Podcasters Meetup is next Wednesday, 5th December, and marks an end to the monthly meetings. The final guest is Anouska Taylor, a Certified Vocal Instructor.
  • Fans of plugins for their DAW might like this new de-esser plugin from Waves, which “uses Organic ReSynthesis spectral filters to identify undesirable bursts of sibilant energy, then completely separates the nuances of sibilance from the vocal signal, leaving the rest of the signal untouched”.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 8 2023

Podnews is in London today and tomorrow. Our briefing is briefer than usual today, therefore, due to having been on a plane for most of the last 24 hours.

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