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Podhero launches: a new support platform for podcasters

Podhero launches: a new support platform for podcasters

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  • If 50% of podcast listeners paid for ad-free shows, creators would make nearly 6x more than they are with ads: that’s according to Pete Curley and Garret Heaton (above), the founders of Podhero which officially launches today. Instead of advertising, which the company claims is unpredictable and only good for larger podcasts, if listeners put $5.99 into Podhero every month, it gets divided and shared with the shows they support (including us).

  • Blubrry has made its Professional Podcast Hosting product available via AWS Marketplace. This allows companies with a billing relationship with Amazon Web Services to easily add Blubrry podcast hosting. CEO Todd Cochrane tells Podnews that the company has plans for further integration to help developers.

  • Spotify, the only major podcast host that doesn’t support HTML or formatting in show notes, have written an article about how important show notes are.

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