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An image of 'fat leonard' in with US military

'Fat Leonard' podcast exposes corruption in US military

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  • A new podcast, Fat Leonard, highlights what it claims is corruption within the US Navy. Leonard himself talks for the first time, and the podcast also includes the brave women who exposed the fraud. From PRX and Project Brazen, the content studio created by former Wall Street Journal reporters Bradley Hope and Tom Wright, it launched yesterday.

  • A market share of podcast hosts based by new episodes has been published for September. John Spurlock’s Livewire Labs has produced the data: Anchor published the most new episodes, with Buzzsprout, Spreaker, Libsyn and Soundcloud also in the top five.

  • Exclusive: A look at the podcast market in Latvia. Andrejs Siliņš tells us that Apple Podcasts is the #4 platform, with just 10% of Latvians saying they use it. Spotify is more than three times as popular; but there’s a bigger platform still.

  • Meanwhile, 31% of Norwegians listen to podcasts every week, according to research from Kantar, presented by Knut-Arne Futsæter at the EMRO 2021 Conference. That has doubled in the past five years, according to the company. Norwegians spent 12 minutes with podcasts per day, versus 65 minutes with the radio.

  • Audioboom has launched Audioboom Studios, a “new business unit” producing shows. They’ve promoted Brendan Regan to CCO of Audioboom Studios, Mike Newman as VP, and Neil Fearn joins from Global. (This is the second time the company has launched Audioboom Studios - the first was in 2018, with coverage in Podnews and in RAIN News.)

    This link is no longer available, as at Sep 7 2023
  • The Techmeme Ride Home podcast has launched its own investment fund. The Ride Home Fund will reach “some of the most interesting ideas before others even see them”, using the podcast’s audience and active angels to spot deals.

  • The IAB UK podcast upfront took place in London. Among other presentations, Sony Music Entertainment previewed their upcoming podcast slate.

  • Cloudflare has won an important court case in the US - a Californian court rejected a copyright infringement claim against the company, which operates a content delivery network.

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