Creators: what do you think of the big podcast platforms?
Fill in the Podnews Report Card
A chart from The Creators

The Creators - podcast creators are diverse, but male

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This article is at least a year old

Tips and tricks - with RedCircle

  • Radio veteran David Lloyd wonders whether anyone knows how to edit audio any more. “I screamed half-way through one lengthy interview recently. Whilst I was thoroughly interested in the topic - and the interviewee knew their stuff - they fell into laboured errrrs and ummmms which, after the first half an hour graduated from being just annoying to almost driving me to violence. Why bother creating an unlistenable podcast?” He gives tips to make things better.

  • Spreaker post Podcast Recording Tips for a Great Sounding Show. “Stay out of the closet”, the article starts.

Podcast News - with Post Script Media

Podcast ads in the wild

Wonder Media Network

Compelled - Christian Stories & Testimonies
Play trailerPaul Hastings sends us this from Compelled: regular business cards with some of their most popular podcast episodes. When scanned, the QR code goes direct to the episode’s web page, and they’re great to hand to people or even tuck them into a library book.

Advertising for podcasts help grow the whole medium - so if you’ve spotted any (or responsible for some), just hit reply and send us a nice picture.

Companies mentioned above:
Edison Research logoEdison ResearchRogers logoRogersSounds Profitable logoSounds ProfitableSpotify logoSpotifySpreaker logoSpreakerSquadCast logoSquadCastStitcher logoStitcher

Podcast data for Jun 29

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag The Execution of Bonny Lee Bakley (Wondery)
AU flag The Teacher's Trial (The Australian)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
AU flag Sit With Us (Dom and Ella)

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