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Podcast News - with Lemonada Media

    Burnout with Connor Franta
    Play trailerFrom Lemonada Media: Burnout, hosted by Connor Franta, explores the story of burnout, discovers how it affects your body and mind, and looks at why the easy solutions simply won’t work to solve a systemic problem. Burnout is produced by Lemonada Media and Mindful.
    Stolen: Surviving St Michael’s is new from Gimlet and acclaimed investigative journalist Connie Walker. It focuses on a dark part of Canada’s past - the residential school system for Indigenous children.
    Now, Where Were We? with Barry Cryer and Bob Cryer
    Play trailerNow, Where Were We? with Barry Cryer and Bob Cryer features the late comic writer in conversation with his many friends. This launched in December; Barry died in mid-January, but the last few episodes, released after his death, are rather lovely: including a special tribute episode.

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