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Brisbane, Los Angeles and New York
James Cridland

How many ads in podcasts? Where do you live?

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  • Mobituaries with Mo Rocca is one of the biggest podcasts in the US, produced by CBS News and monetised by iHeart. Yet, depending where you listen, you get significantly more advertising.

    • We compared the same episode, downloaded from Brisbane, Los Angeles and New York. The ads are marked here in yellow. When downloaded in Australia, you get just two 30” ads (for a gambling company); when downloaded via a VPN in California, the adload was ten minutes 29 seconds (20% of the whole show). New York listeners get even more.
    • In our second spot break, in California we were served a 2’55” break. Yet, one Podnews reader on the East US coast heard the same episode: they were given a five minute spot break at that point. In total, they were given 18’40” of ads in the same show. Yikes. (Is our reader a desirable audience member, perhaps?)
    • Oddly, in California the second spot break was exactly the same as the third spot break.
  • Cumulus Media, the owner of the Westwood One Podcast Network, might be delisted from NASDAQ again, after the company traded below $1 a share for more than thirty days. It’s got until the middle of next year to sort things out, though. It was last delisted in 2017.

  • Happy Christmas to ART19, which certified to IAB v2.2 podcast guidelines on Dec 23. The IAB requires annual recertification, yet four companies still appearing in the IAB’s list were last certified in 2021 - three from iHeart (Omny Studio, Spreaker and Voxnest); and the German podcast host Audiorella.

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Companies mentioned above:
Apple logoAppleART19 logoART19Audiorella logoAudiorellaCumulus Media logoCumulus MediaIAB logoIABOmny Studio logoOmny StudioSpreaker logoSpreakerWondery logoWondery

Podcast data for Dec 26

#1 in Apple Podcasts
US flag The Telepathy Tapes (Ky Dickens)
GB flag The Rest Is History (Goalhanger)

#1 in Spotify
US flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
GB flag The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)

Over the last week, 168,329 podcasts published at least one new episode (down 14.5%). source


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