Ladnaan Podcast

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Ladnaan Podcast

A podcast from Fatumo & Sagal

Being a parent is both a great joy and at the same time stressful and overwhelming, especially if you are rising your child in a different culture and context than yours. In one moment, we feel that everything is so smooth, and the next that we are failing. But we want to assure you that being parent is not being perfect, there is no perfection in parenting, but being a good enough parenting. If you want to strive and better understand yourself as a parent and your child, this podcast series is for you. Get engaged with fruitful and practical tips that you can apply on your daily parent-child relationship. Waalidnimada waa mid ku dheehan farxad, waxayna sidoo kale ay tahay mid howl adag oo mararka qaarkiina welwel leh, qaasatan haddii aad tahay waalid ilmihiisa ku korinaaya wadan ama meel aan wadankiisa eheen. Mararka qaarkii waalidka wuxuu dareemayaa ineey waalidnimada aad u fududahay, marmarna waxaa dhaceysa inaan dareemno guul daro. Laakiin waxaan jecelnahay inaan waalidiinta niraahno ma jirto qof waalid oo dhinac walbo ka dhamaystiran, ama perfect ah. Waalid walbana wuxuu sameeyn wanaag inta karaankiisa. Haddii aad dooneyso inaad waalid ahaan isku fahamto, ilmahaaga fahmto, Podcastigaan waa mid ku anfacaya. Nagala soco halkan, anagoo idiin soo tebineyna talooyin la taaban karo oo aad u isticmaali karto Horumarinta qoyska, kobcinta caruurta iyo dhalinyarada.Music: Joseph McDade (SunRise expedition) by Fartuun Hashi. In collaboration with Waxaan kaa codsaneynaa inaad nala socoto oo aad qiimeyso Podcast-kaan iTunes: ama Stitcher: nagala soo xiriiri kartaan: ama Instagram: @ladnaan_podcast

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