Shit My Soul Says

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Shit My Soul Says

A religion & spirituality podcast from Shit My Soul Says

Join hosts Rosalie and Jillian on a delightful romp through the world of alternative spirituality. A practicing witch and a reincarnation coach, the many-lives-long friends explore all things woo, from spirit guides to tarot to make your own magic, while managing to stay surprisingly grounded. Mostly. If you’re interested in divination, past lives, ghosts, astrology, or anything else the DSM-5 classifies as “bonker-balls,” Rosalie and Jillian have heard of it, tried it, or tried to have sex with it - and they’re here to entertain you by talking about it. Sure, they also hope this podcast teaches you something new and maybe helps you grow as a person, but mostly they want you to spit-laugh your ass off with two souls just as woo as you.

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