Rolling With The Punches
The game we love goes beyond scoring goals. Rolling with the Punches is a series where we explore, celebrate and challenge the role of football clubs in their local communities.
When Ipswich Town Football Club, a storied old institution, dropped to the third tier of English football in 2019, they were in danger of becoming irrelevant. But a US takeover in 2021, propelled them to back-to-back promotions and a place in the Premier League, after 22 years in the wilderness.
Ipswich - a small provincial town - is suddenly a Premier League destination again, with a football club worth over 200 million pounds and owners keen to capitalise on the momentum built over the last three years. But the pressure and scrutiny is about to increase as the club scrambles to try and establish itself in the top division. For the town, in need of its own revival, this could be an opportunity it can’t afford to miss.
Created by Richard Popple
Produced by 2020 Recordings
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
© 2020 Recordings · more info
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