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Mobile Diaries

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Mobile Diaries

 5.0 via 17 ratings in Apple Podcasts and Spotify
Data: Rephonic

Join the T-Mobile Stories team, Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist Shawna Ryan and veteran editor and writer Jason Adams, for Mobile Diaries, a brand new podcast about modern digital life, and the mobile technology that makes it possible. Encounter some of the fascinating archetypes, personas, brilliant minds and unique stories emerging in our fast-paced, digitally driven world. A world that, since the start of the pandemic, has accelerated its use of mobile technology to new heights.

From the wireless tech that allows us to work from just about anywhere, to the new realities of online dating, to dial-a-therapist apps, our devices have assumed a new pride of place in our lives. How do we navigate this new reality? How do we find balance in a world that is “always on”?

On this show, Jason and Shawna examine what it means to live a life of “mobile mindfulness.” Join them, and find out how you can use your device, without it using you.

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