Chronicles of the End Times

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Chronicles of the End Times

 4.4 via 22 ratings in Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Podcast Addict
Data: Rephonic
A religion & spirituality podcast from Russ Scalzo
Uses Podcasting 2.0 features
Includes transcripts

Occasionally, I hear people say, are we really in the last days? How do we know? Does it really matter one way or another? We will try to answer these questions and many others in this study. But the most important question may be, how can we reach others with the message of hope in these changing times? One part of prophecy is often emphasized over another, causing us to lose perspective and miss the blessing and beauty of prophecy in scripture. I have taken the information in this study from many authors and teachers who have their lives studying God’s word. I have added some insight that the Holy Spirit taught me along the way. With God’s help, I have endeavored to keep the whole counsel of the word of God in full view to give us an accurate picture of Christ and His great love for a lost world. I pray that this will challenge you and cause you to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as it has me preparing it. Let’s begin!

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