Drunk Poets Society — podcast episodes

RSS feed updated

These are the latest episodes from the RSS feed of Drunk Poets Society. Our main page for this podcast includes more details about it, including podcast app links.

Ep 43: Verity by Colleen Hoover

» BookTok made us read it.
Twisty? Eh.
Romance? Eh.
Lots to discuss? YES!!!

Ep 42: The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

» Any Bridgerton fans out there? Have you read the book AND watched the series? Let's discuss...
As fans of historical romance usually, we have a lot of opinions about the book. Who has read past the first book in the series?
And for those who know us, you won't be surprised we have yet another gin cocktail, but also champagne, because of course!
Wet Your Whistledown cocktail:

1 oz botanical gin
1/2 oz elderflower liqueur
3/4 oz fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz honey syrup
2 oz champagne
edible flowers to garnish
Ep 41: Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

» We are finally revisiting the Outlander series after a VERY long break! 
Welcome back everyone! We are so excited to be talking about Dragonfly in Amber... there's time travel, romance, Scotland, Paris, enemies, wars, diabetes sniffing dogs, and a whole lot of wine;) Plus, maybe the best ending ever???
Grab some gin, ginger beer and lime juice for this dragonfly cocktail and cozy on up with this long but totally worth it read! Let's check in on Jamie and Claire... 
Ep 40: Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner

» We expected a beach romance, we got... something much different.
And hey! We have a lot to talk about. Influencer Daphne shares her story of becoming a body positive internet icon, and when she reconnects with an old frenemy (or so we've deemed her), a HUGE twist comes out of nowhere and we were both here for it!
Mix up your Big Twist Aperol Spritz and let's talk about Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner!
Share your thoughts, opinions, questions, and book suggestions on Instagram and Twitter  @dps_podcast or email us drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com or leave us a voice message anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society !
Remember, it's not drinking alone if you have a book!
Ep 39: Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered by Georgia Hardstark & Karen Kilgariff

» I think our feelings were similar to those of a lot of people... we picked up this book expecting talks of murder with a bit of memoir thrown in, and that is absolutely not this book.
Both having been fans of the podcast My Favorite Murder, we did not expect this to be such a laborious read. But alas, here are our thoughts.
Mix yourself up our cocktail of the week: "Sweet Baby Angel" which is lemon juice, Hendrick's gin, sparkling water, ice, and garnish with cucumber and lemon.
And we want to know yours! Join in the conversation on Instagram and Twitter @dps_podcast
email us at drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
or leave us a voice message at anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society 
Ep 38: Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris

» Oh yes, it is time for more vampires! In this world, vampires can legally be part of human society and tell humans that they are vampires. Some humans are excited about this, while others are terrified and not so accepting of the new deadly members of their community. Sookie, the waitress at Merlotte's bar with a unique ability to read the mind's of *most* people/ vampires, gets tangled up in a romance with vampire Bill and the investigation of the murders of three "fang bangers" (perhaps my favorite terminology associated with vampire books) in her small town.
So basically if you like vampires, or murder mystery, or romance, grab a glass of your favorite cabernet sauvignon and join us in discussing the series that inspired True Blood! 
Join in the conversation on Twitter and Instagram @dps_podcast
Email us at drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
And leave us a voice message at anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society 
Ep 37: The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

» Anna Fox lives alone, a recluse in her New York city home, unable to venture outside. She spends her days drinking wine, watching old movies, recalling happier times… wow, this sounds way too familiar. 😬 
This book was twisty and constantly asks the question of what is real and what is imagined inside our unreliable narrator’s mind? Grab a (big) glass of merlot and join us as we dive into The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn and join in the conversation!
voice message us on actor.fm/drunk-poets-society 
Cheers! #imbibewithbooks
Ep 36: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (w/ guest Stephen Bailey)

» Kind of wishing the Oasis was a thing right about now... wouldn't mind escaping into a different world and focusing all my energy on hunting an easter egg. 
Ready Player One is an escape in every sense, and we loved chatting about all of the 80s nostalgia, the obsessive gunter's ability to decipher clues, and which challenges we think we could complete to obtain the hidden keys! 
Find the recipe for our cocktail this episode on Instagram and Twitter, "The John Hughes" . 
You can find our special guest Stephen Bailey on all the social medias @shotofbaileys and you can shoot us your book recs and questions/ comments at @dps_podcast or email drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com or leave us a voice message at anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society
Ep 35: Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach

» Have you ever thought about what you want to happen to your body after you die? The two most common options are cremation and burial, but did you know there is a wide variety of options available? Do you know what it means by "donating your body to science"? Do you know what the most environmentally friendly options are?
Mary Roach brilliantly explores the many avenues available for human cadavers, and while this book may seem morbid, we both found it quite fascinating and easily approachable. 
To accompany us, we poured a "stiff drink", AKA a dry Hendricks gin martini. 
We want to hear what you think!
Reach out on Instagram and Twitter @dps_podcast
or email us at drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
or leave us a voice message on anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society

Ep 34: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

» Hey! We are back in your feeds and it is with a BRILLIANT book filled with magic, a mysterious challenge, some romance, and not great parenting skills. We discuss what we loved, the characters that intrigued us most, and some divisive thoughts about the ending.
But the most wonderful thing about this book was it made us think that just maybe, magic is real.
Send us suggestions, comments and questions on social media
or email us
or leave us a voice message 

Ep 33: Educated by Tara Westover

» I don't even know where to begin... how about a quote?
“You can love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them... You can miss a person every day, and still be glad that they are  no longer in your life.”
Tara Westover grew up in Idaho with conspiracy-theory, survivalist, fundamentalist parents and no formal education. By the end of the book she has graduated from some of the most prestigious universities. She struggled with wanting to love her family but also wanting an education outside of junk yard where she grew up. Her story is filled with self-realization, determination, sadness, triumph, and growth.
Spoilers, we both loved this book and HIGHLY recommend it. We mixed it up this week with a mocktail of sparkling water, lime juice, grapefruit juice and lavendar essential oil. 
Let us know what you think and send us all the book and cocktail recommendations! Find us on Twitter and Instagram at @dps_podcast or email us at drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com.
You can also leave us a super cool voice message at anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society or using the anchor.fm app! 
Ep 32: One Day In December by Josie Silver

» Do you believe in love at first sight? Laurie sure does.
After falling madly in love with "bus boy", a human she gawked at through a bus window but never actually spoke to, Laurie became obsessed and ultimately made some unwise decisions that resulted in turmoil with her best friend.
Get ready for a film-worthy rom com of a novel with the classic "will they/ won't they" character development.
Grab a Scotch Ale if you're a Jack or maybe spice it up with rum punch if you're Sarah! 
Let us know what you thought of the book by emailing us, sharing with us on Instagram or Twitter, and leave us a voice message on the anchor.fm app!
Ep 31: Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

» Dark and twisty. What else can we say?
Well, actually we have a lot to say and discuss in this episode talking about the intriguing page-turner Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. If you are a fan of murder mysteries or true crime stories, this book is perfect. Well written, unreliable narrator, quick read, and totally worth it.
Paired with "The Blue/ Camille's Tonic" which is a gin, seltzer and blue curacao cocktail, this chilling read explores a wide range of characters that are all damaged in their own way and those scars, both internal and external, manifest in a variety ways that create a story too engaging to put down.
Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Get in touch!
Leave us a voice message on the anchor app or anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society
@dps_podcast on Twitter and Instagram
Ep 30: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone by J.K. Rowling

» This book took us right back to our child with Pottermore quizzes and midnight releases and Hogwarts house pride!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling was such a delight to chat about and compare our reactions from when we first read it to now as adults. Full of magic, friendship, and adventure, it is the perfect Autumn/ Winter read to cozy up with a cup of tea and fluffy blanket. As much as we enjoyed this one, we still had a few opinions about how some scenes played out in the book.
Grab a butter beer (which we really just made a boozy milkshake) and enjoy this episode drunk poets!
Remember to leave us a voice message with comments, questions, suggestions, or whatever you are feeling through the anchor.fm app/ website!
Ep 29: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

» The greatest terror novel ever written?! The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson truly gives you the creeps and sometimes you are not even sure why. It's unsettling in the best way possible, and even for those of you who aren't fans of jump scares or the horror genre in general, this spooky story is more of a psychological thriller and if I were you I would give it a shot!
Mix up a gin gimlet and be delightfully haunted with this quick read. Maybe read it while there is still light outside!
Please rate, review, subscribe, and leave us a voice message at anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society
Ep 28: Dracula by Bram Stoker

» We have had enough of sparkly vampires, it's time to talk about the most infamous vampire there is... he has inspired movies, television series, stage productions, and nightmares. This Spook-tober, we tackled the undead monster himself... DRACULA!
Bram Stoker's classic novel Dracula is a must read, and now that you've read it, let's talk about it!
We discuss the faulty science behind those blood transfusions, what the story would be like from Dracula's perspective, the type of YouTube channel we would like to see Dracula host, and who would win in a fight between the Cullens and Dracula's clan.
It was a wickedly good time! So grab a shot of slivovitz and maybe grab some garlic to protect yourself.
Happy haunts!
Ep 27: Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

» For the synopsis of this book, you can always revisit our Twilight episode.
Why is Anastasia attracted to Christian Grey other than him being rich? How did she get through college in 2011 without an email address? What made these books so popular in the first place?
Grab your breakfast Chardonnay and we can dive into all of these hard-hitting questions together.
Leave us questions, comments, and suggestions for books and drinks at
@dps_podcast on Instagram and Twitter
or leave us a voice message at anchor.fm/drunk-poets-society !

Ep 26: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

» We had a bloody good time on this one! The gloomy September day was very apropos to our discussion of Bella and the sullen Cullens who live in the seemingly always cloud-covered Forks, Washington. 
Pop open a bottle of champagne (or prosecco), add a splash of st germain and a few blueberries and let's cheers, because we have been reading and drinking together for a year now! 
Send us book and cocktail suggestions, rate and subscribe :)

Ep 25: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

» Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America...
intriguing tagline, right?
Well, we have some opinions about this book...
For one thing, there was not enough magic.
There was a lot of murder.
Let's discuss this narrative driven non-fiction.
Mix yourself up a "Devil in the Morning" which is a shot of espresso, 1/2 oz Bailey's, and half a can of Kahlua Espresso Martini Mix (shout out to Influenster ) and find out how Felice and Taylor do drinking cocktails at 8am!
Ep 24: Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling

» Why not join us for this week's podcast?! 
We have special guest Shannon Bailey on to chat about Mindy Kaling and sip on our summer drink "The Mindy".
Find the recipe at @dps_podcast on Instagram and Twitter
Find Shannon and her amazing makeup at @shannonvanessa_
and email us suggestions at drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Ep 23: Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

» Seen the movie? Read the book?
We kind of touch on both but oh man we thoroughly enjoyed the novel by Kevin Kwan and cannot wait to read the next book! 
We follow Nick and Rachel on their crazy adventure to Singapore for the most extravagant weeding we could ever imagine.
Mix yourself up a Singapore Sling and chill out with this novel by the pool or on the beach.
Ep 22: The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins

» The perfect beach read with the perfect beach beverage.
We've got twisty plots and G & T's in a can this week!
Who's in? 
Join us as we talk about murder, adultery, and the classic question of "who done it?" in this week's episode about The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins.
Ep 21: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

» Time travel, Romance, Historical Fiction, Scotland and Scottish Folklore...
Any of that sound intriguing? Then pick up Diana Gabaldon's first of the series Outlander! 
Yes! The hit show was based off a book, and it is a solid summer read.
Join us as we talk about the adventures of Claire and Jamie, what tugs at our willing suspension of disbelief, & ... never nudes? 
We mixed up an old, old, old fashioned to sip on so grab your scotch and let's dive in! 
Minisode: Favorite Summer Reads

» Sorry for the delay in our Outlander episode! 
To make up for it, here is a little minisode talking about great books to read on the beach or hanging near the pool.
Grab your favorite brew, we chose Pacifico, and grab an easy and enjoyable read!
Ep 20: Sacre Bleu by Christopher Moore

» Are you a fan of art history, the color blue, or murder mystery (kind of)?
How about you just need a fun read with a few giggles?
We LOVE Christopher Moore on this podcast, so he has returned to our shelves in the form of Sacre Bleu!
Rummage through your cupboard for some Hpnotiq and let's find out why Van Gogh lost his ear!
Ep 19: Emma by Jane Austen

» I guess for this week we can say welcome to the Jane Austen Book Club! Emma is quite a character... I'd say most of the time when someone tries to play matchmaker it does not end up going according to plan. 
Grab your cuppa tea (or in our case, gin) and get ready to dive into Austen's world!
Ep 18: Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons (w/ guest Sam Bashor)

» We are diving into another graphic novel this week, probably one that most people have heard of. And we thought we should get a comic book expert on to help us out!
Thanks to our special guest Sam Bashor for all the history and background info that we definitely didn't know and be sure to check out his podcast Only Stupid Answers and YouTube channel Might Be Awesome!
Grab a Dr Manhattan (cocktail recipe on our Instagram) and let's talk heroes and villains!
Ep 17: Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward

» Ready to get emotional over a couple of beers?
This novel is beautifully written and explores heavy, meaningful ideas of life and death, race, familial relationships, injustices, and ghosts.
Let us know what you think!
Ep 16: How To Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan

» When you hear the word "psychadelics", what comes to your mind?
We took a deep dive with Michael Pollan to explore the world of LSD, mushrooms... and toad venom?! And spoiler alert, our minds have been changed.
Join us by mixing up your own Mushroom Mudslide and let's "turn on, tune in, and drop out". (But not really. Be responsible.)
Ep 15: Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

» New York Times Best Seller and Good Reads recommended, Celeste Ng's second novel made some big waves in 2017 when it came out.
This book deals with A LOT, including: mother/ daughter relationships, unrequited love, how important culture and biological relationships are in comparison to "financial stability" and an "ideal living situation", sex, abortion,  the responsibility of being a parent...
And of course, little fires. Which is why we paired this cook with the  "Fiery Old Fashioned". Essentially, an Old Fashioned with Fireball Whiskey.
Ep 14: The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

» Romance and Rosé! What more can you ask for?
This week we discuss The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory, which was the Hello Sunshine x Reese's Book Club pick of the month for February this year. It was fun, funny, and we wouldn't mind a spin off for any of the tertiary characters, or maybe a movie? Yes way, rosé!
Sorry that was cheesy, but we had a lot of fun talking about this book and the crazy, over-the-top public proposals you see all of social media these days.
So join us, let us know what you thought, and as always, leave a comment and give us book/ booze suggestions!
Ep 13: Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins

» We definitely paired an interesting book with perhaps our most interesting cocktail yet...
This was also the first episode we recorded in two separate locations!
Perfume, immortality, mythology, adventure &... beets?
Hope you all enjoyed Jitterbug Perfume and let us know your thoughts or book suggestions!
Ep 12: Becoming by Michelle Obama

» Join Taylor and Felice (and Michelle... can we call you Michelle?) for this emotional, motivational and revealing journey: Becoming by Michelle Obama. It was so good and we had so much to talk about that we forgot to mention the Queen... THE QUEEN!
But we hope you enjoyed this memoir as much as us or we hope this inspires you to pick it up. It is wonderful to both read and listen to.
Enjoy with a glass of red wine and cozy up with your favorite blanket.
Ep 11: The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

» Gearing up for Valentine's Day… time for a romance novel!
We are switching it up and trying out some new genres, and boy howdy did we have fun talking about The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang and sipping on "Michael's Mint Chocolate Chip-tini".
Stella and Michael have a complicated relationship… and we get into all of it! Join us and let us know your thoughts and check out the cocktail recipe on Twitter or Instagram:
Ep 10: Wicked by Gregory Maguire

» Ever wonder what happened before Dorothy and Toto landed in Oz?
Let's meet Elphaba and find out what her childhood was like, where she went to college, and how she came to be known as the Wicked Witch of the West.
And sip on our deliciously green cocktail "Elphaba's Elixir"! (See recipe on our instagram!)
Ep 9: Yes Please by Amy Poehler

» Good for you! Not for me.
We laughed, we cried, we learned and we laughed some more.
Grab your bourbon and mix up a sweet Knope cocktail in honor of the lovely, funny, and inspiring Poehler character Leslie Knope. All you need is Bourbon, bitters and maple syrup and feel free to garnish with a mini waffle or two ;)
Happy first episode of 2019 everyone!
Ep 8: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman (w/ guest Casey Bouknight)

» An angel, a demon, witches and witch hunters, prophecies, the apocalypse and the antichrist...
Seriously, this book has it all. You'll laugh, you'll think, and we hope you'll enjoy it as much as we did.
Feel free to sip on a "Death in the Afternoon" while you listen. It is 1.5 oz absinthe to 4 oz champagne.
Cheers to an amazing 2018 and see you in the New Year!
BONUS: The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton (w/ guest Shannon Bailey)

» Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas and on this episode mini,
Shannon Bailey has made us a Jack Skellingt-ini !
Today we are discussing Tim Burton's original poem that inspired the extremely popular Nightmare Before Christmas movie.
Our guest and makeup artist Shannon Bailey did some amazing makeup to coordinate with the theme, so follow her @shannonvanessa_
Follow us @dps_podcast
Ep 7: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

» A beloved Christmas classic... cozy up with some egg nog and don't drift off to sleep or you may be greeted by some interesting spirits! There are over 30 film adaptions but only one original. Join us as we discuss Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" and mix up our cocktail of the week, "The Ghost of Christmas Past".
Email: drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram: @dps_podcast
Ep 6: Fun Home by Alison Bechdel

» Ever wonder what it was like growing up in a funeral home?
Alison Bechdel's tragicomic Fun Home explores her upbringing through both writing and illustration. If you ever thought a memoir needed pictures, pick up this book!
Mix up a Bechdel Blackberry Bourbon and prepare to deep dive into Fun Home.
Email: drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram: @dps_podcast
Ep 5: All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

» Historical fiction, magical stones, and some incredible characters...
Let's pop the champagne for a bubbly cocktail to pair with All The Light We Cannot See!
Email: drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram: @dps_podcast
Ep 4: The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (w/ guest Stephen Bailey)

» We are talking dystopian futures, modern relevance of a tyrannical patriarchy, the hope of not letting history repeat itself... oh! and moonshine!
Let's talk about Margaret Atwood's The Handmaids Tale with our special guest Stephen Bailey! 
Follow him @shotofbaileys and check out his podcast Hollywood Happy Hour.
Follow us @dps_podcast
Email deadpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Minisode: SPOOKY-sode 2

» We invited another big fan of Halloween on as a special guest this week. Thank you Stephen Bailey (@shotofbaileys) for making us a Headless Horseman cocktail and discussing the legend of Sleepy Hallow and other Halloween favorites!
Ep 3: Lamb by Christopher Moore

» Have you ever wondered what Jesus did before he performed miracles and was written about in the bible? Well the gospel according to Biff, Jesus' childhood best friend really paints a picture!
Young Joshua was an average boy, well, except for the fact that he could talk to God and raise people and animals from the dead and could meditate to the point of becoming invisible.
Christopher Moore's 'Lamb' is a laugh out loud read that we were stoked to talk about!
Email: deadpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram: @dps_podcast
Minisode: AKA SPOOKY-sode

» Scary cocktails, spooky stories, dead babies... this minisode has it all!
We are trying something new and introducing fun little episodes in between our full length book discussions.
This week, we are gearing up for Halloween!
Are you reading Lamb by Christopher Moore for next week?
Ep 2: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

» Scared or intrigued by stories of a dystopian future? Ray Bradbury is the author for you!
Join us in conversation about photographic memory, future technology prediction, and whether or not listening to audiobooks is REALLY considered reading.
Grab your whiskey and settle in for Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury!
Email: drunkpoetssocietypodcast@gmail.com
Twitter & Instagram: @dps_podcast
Ep 1: Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore

» It's our first DPS book club episode! Hooray!
Just a quick apology, when we started this podcast, we only had one microphone and the sound quality is.... well... terrible.
BUT, we are now very fancy and have TWO microphones, so future episodes will be much better.
Hope you enjoyed reading Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore and drinking your Great White Beer!
Welcome to Drunk Poets Society Podcast!

» Welcome! This is a podcast where hosts Taylor and Felice discuss books and pair them with cocktails. Today we just want to say hi and introduce ourselves, but we are jumping in next week with book number one: Reincarnation Blues by Michael Poore. (P.S. Apologies for the sound quality, we were newbies and only had one mic! We promise the sound quality gets better in the next few episodes.)

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