Nontraditional College Success

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Nontraditional College Success

An education podcast from Arnold Morales

This Podcast will motivate and empower nontraditional students to get more out of their college experience. You will learn how to land your dream job with a top company, enjoy the college experience, become a leader, make an impact in your community, make lifelong friends and graduate with less debt. Internships, Scholarships, FAFSA, student aid, awards, and full time job offers here we come.This podcast is for College students that are first generation, in Community college, Low income, Independent, Women in STEM, minorities such as Hispanic, African American, Asian American and others; GED Graduates, Students that Work full time, attend school part time, Undocumented, DACA, delayed enrollment, older student, second career, military, and International students. You are not alone we are in this together.

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