Renbrook School - Making Learning Visible — podcast episodes
RSS feed updated
These are the latest episodes from the RSS feed of Renbrook School - Making Learning Visible. Our main page for this podcast includes more details about it, including podcast app links.
MLV Short #4 — World Language Via at a DistanceS2 E6
» Part four of our short(er)-form series where we focus on what’s working in distance learning. In this podcast, World Language teachers, Nitin Acharya and Melissa Tannoux talk about the positive aspects of engaging with students virtually and the great technology tools they have discovered that they will continue to use once we’re back on campus.
MLV Shorts #3 - Kindergarten and Distance LearningS2 E5
» Part three of our short(er)-form series where we focus on what’s working in distance learning. In this podcast, Kindergarten teachers, Steve Arnold and Claire Rafala describe joyful moments with their students and how they’ve both grown professionally during this challenging time.
MLV Shorts #2 - More of What's Working in Distance LearningS2 E4
» Part two of our short(er)-form series where we focus on what’s working in distance learning. In this podcast, we’re speaking with fourth grade teacher, Katie Bunel and second grade teacher, Carrie LaSpada about the highlights of their experiences in teaching from a distance and what ideas they will bring back to their classrooms.
MLV Shorts #1 — Physical Education and Distance LearningS2 E3
» Part one of our short(er)-form series where we focus on what's working in distance learning. We asked two of Renbrook's physical education teachers, Sarah Davis and Natalie Kirkpatrick, how they have handled the challenge of keeping kids active and fit when online teaching is their only option. They share their insights, surprises, and how this might inform their teaching down the road.
History Under Our Feet - Keeping it RealS2 E2
» In this episode, we talk with Sandy Grabicki and Carrie LaSpada about reimagining their social studies curriculum. With their second graders, they are exploring what has transpired on Avon Mountain — from the Pleistocene Era through the Industrial Revolution — culminating with an exploration of Frederick Rentschler's home (now Renbrook), his contributions to the world of aeronautics, and a tea party!
We learn about the thought process behind the building of this curriculum, what has resonated with their students, and the partnerships they have built with other teachers at Renbrook and outside of it.
We learn about the thought process behind the building of this curriculum, what has resonated with their students, and the partnerships they have built with other teachers at Renbrook and outside of it.
Digital PortfoliosS1 E3
» One way to make student learning visible is through a digital portfolio that highlights the process, product, and reflection of learning throughout his or her Renbrook experience. Listen as teachers, Dave Blodgett, Emma Burger, Kathryn Justus, and Amy Ma discuss a pilot launch of a digital portfolio program with the sixth grade, and articulate how it promotes student agency.
The Witness Stones ProjectS1 E2
» Through research, education, and civic engagement, the Witness Stones Project seeks to restore the history and to honor the humanity and contributions of the enslaved people who helped build our communities.
Under the direction of West Hartford Town Historian, Tracey Wilson and retired West Hartford school teachers, Liz Devine and Denise DeMello, Renbrook fifth graders learned about the history of enslaved people and their slaveholders in West Hartford through primary sources, artists and their paintings, poetry and artwork.
Join Renbrook School fifth grade teachers, Sarah FrazziniKendrick, Jane Johansen and Tracey Robbins along with West Hartford Town Historian, Tracey Wilson, as they discuss the Witness Stones Project.
Under the direction of West Hartford Town Historian, Tracey Wilson and retired West Hartford school teachers, Liz Devine and Denise DeMello, Renbrook fifth graders learned about the history of enslaved people and their slaveholders in West Hartford through primary sources, artists and their paintings, poetry and artwork.
Join Renbrook School fifth grade teachers, Sarah FrazziniKendrick, Jane Johansen and Tracey Robbins along with West Hartford Town Historian, Tracey Wilson, as they discuss the Witness Stones Project.
Making a MusicianS2 E1
» Our season two premier episode focuses on music education. How do our music teachers guide students to become “tuneful, beatful, and artful” over their years at Renbrook? Katie Dawson and Emma Burger explain the process of making a Renbrook musician by describing their spiraling curriculum, playing us performance samples, and answering questions about what parents can do to develop musical literacy and interest. Don’t forget to visit the Making Learning Visible Showcase across from Stedman Auditorium for a visual perspective.
Out of Eden ProjectS1 E1
» The fifth grade has participated in the Out of Eden Project for the past five years. Harvard University created the project as a companion piece to National Geographic journalist, Paul Salopek’s walk around the world, following the path of human migration. As of this recording, he is in his sixth year of a 21,000- mile journey. He believes in slow journalism and said, “We don’t need more information, we need more meaning.” Please listen as a group of fifth graders share the results of interviews with students, faculty, and staff at Renbrook.
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