Herrengedeck - Der Podcast
Sie wohnen in Berlin. Sie machen was mit Medien. Sie sind Frauen. Drei gute Gründe, diesen Podcast nicht zu hören. Eigentlich. Aber: hier herrscht Verbot für Hippie-Blumenkränze und pinkes Glitzer, es wird nicht mit dem Fixie-Klapprad zur Arbeit gefahren und Pfeffi aus der Flasche getrunken und Einhörner sind für sie nicht süß, sondern Pferde mit einem angeborenen Gendefekt. Trotzdem hat eine von beiden Laktoseintoleranz. Es tut uns leid. Bier, Korn und Realtalk gibts dafür ab sofort hier. Im “Herrengedeck”.
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Artwork and data is from the podcast’s open RSS feed; we link directly to audio · Read our DMCA procedureThis podcast may use tracking and attribution and dynamic content insertion
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Tracking and attribution: Spotify or its partners may connect the fact you listened to this podcast to an action elsewhere on the internet. For example - it may spot a device that downloaded an episode of Herrengedeck - Der Podcast later visited the website of an advertiser; or it may track that a device that listened to Herrengedeck - Der Podcast also listened to a different show. This form of attribution is used to measure advertising effectiveness.
Dynamic content insertion: Spotify may use limited data that they know about you - the device you’re using, the approximate location you’re in, or other data that can be derived from this, like the current weather forecast for your area - to change parts of the audio. Herrengedeck - Der Podcast may do this for advertising or for other forms of content, like news stories.
This is hosted by Spotify: this may mean that Spotify require you to log in to listen, and from that, they will know considerably more about you, including your email address and potentially a connection with your Facebook account and data.
Herrengedeck - Der Podcast is able to use the above tools since its podcast host or measurement company offers this service. It doesn’t mean that this individual podcast uses them, or has access to this functionality. We use open data.
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- This podcast appears to be only available on Spotify. If that is the case, then the podcaster could get significant extra listens by submitting this show on Apple Podcasts.
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