
Marketing Coordinator

Posted 172 weeks ago

A part time Marketing Manager position at Snippet, Irvine, CA CA, USA

Salary range: $15.50 to $20.00 (hourly rate) - subject to experience

Snippet is the world's first short podcast platform. We create compelling, original shows from fascinating hosts ... always in 20 minutes or less.

We’re looking for someone to coordinate our marketing promotion and social media communications for the brand.

Responsibilities for Marketing Coordinator

Social Media


Qualifications for Marketing Coordinator

Job Type: Part-time

Pay: $15.50 - $20.00 per hour

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More details

What does a Marketing Manager role normally entail?The Podcast Taxonomy definition for a role like this in Administration says: “The Marketing Manager is responsibile for the promotion of a podcast's content through various awareness strategies such as social media campaigns, cultivating a web presence, managing public relations and communications strategies, and other creative techniques to acquire and retain listeners.”
This exact role may have different requirements.

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