Address: Stockholm, Sweden
AI-powered revenue optimisation for publishers, podcasters and creators
Latest news
- Mar 13, 2024: Sesamy, a monetisation tool for publishers, has released a case study showing how its tool has “partially paywalled” podcasts of Kvartal, a Swedish magazine, and other clients in the UK and and Italy. There is much to learn: buying a whole season in advance seems to work well (only 15% want to pay monthly); conversion-rate was, surprisingly, over 10% of subscribers; and 70% of users wanted to pay with Swish, a mobile payment system popular in Sweden, rather than using card payments.
- Sep 4, 2023: Lotten Skeppstedt has been hired as Head of Commercial for PodX. She had been Director of Books and Podcasts at Sesamy, a digital monetisation company founded by the founders of Acast.
- May 10, 2022: An audiobook startup launched last year by three founders of Acast, Sesamy is to move into podcasts; allowing listeners to buy individual podcasts without a monthly subscription.
Data credits: Google Maps, Podnews newsletter