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New podcasts in sport, business, parenting and Vegas, plus two conferences on Sep 8

· 1.3 minutes to read

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  • Podcast: Southern Cross Austereo and PodcastOne announce “The Howie Games”, the human stories behind sporting legends. A long-form interview with Grant Howard.

  • Podcast: Another from Southern Cross Austereo and PodcastOne, The Mentor. “Mark [Bouris] speaks to Australian business owners and entrepreneurs finding out what makes them tick and their plans for growth.”

  • Podcast: TMI, a podcast from the City of Las Vegas. It’s hit 10 episodes so far, and claims 150 subscribers. “Episodes delve into topics such as businesses, recreational marijuana, the Las Vegas wedding industry or whatever the City Council is debating.” Highlight: the photo caption in this piece.

  • Podcast: a new launch from “9Honey”, a lifestyle women’s website, called Super Mums. “Not your average parenting podcast. It’s a funny, raw and honest look at the ups and downs of parenting, love, life and everything in between.”

  • Conference: the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference. Greater Philadephia, Sept 8-9. “The #1 Podcast Event for Creativity and Community” Despite the name, not held in the middle of the Atlantic.

  • Conference: OzPod, in Sydney Australia, 8 September. Hosted by ABC Radio: “the best, the brightest and most innovative minds in the podcast industry”.

  • A TV show about a podcaster and his podcast gets reviewed by a Forbes blogger.

  • Jacobs Media interviews the Senior VP of Podcasting for US radio broadcaster iHeartRadio, Chris Peterson. “Better data will open the floodgates to new advertisers that have typically shied away from podcasts due to limited listener analytics.”

  • Gear: Collin Donnell, host of The Run Loop, details his podcasting gear.

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