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The next big genre for podcasting, plus jobs and a guide for journalists

· 1.1 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

Jobs: Producer, The Pitch at Gimlet Media. The Pitch is already in the middle of series 2. Also: Director of Branded Podcasts for Slate magazine.

This link is no longer available, as at Jul 24 2023
  • Prisa Radio is the largest Spanish-language radio group in the world, and Pablo Fernández Delkader has written a guide for journalists considering launching a podcast.

    Jul 24 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Elite Business Magazine thinks that the ideal place for advertising your startup is… a podcast. ““Your first question always has to be: ‘am I delivering a service or product that in any way appeals to fans of that podcast?’” says [Chris] Glasson [the host of podcast Hardcore Listening]”.

  • New podcast: The Hort Report. As the name suggests, it’s a… horticulture podcast, from an Ohio-based magazine publisher.

    This link is no longer available, as at Jul 24 2023
  • Wired magazine reckons that the next under-exploited genre for podcasting is musical theatre.

  • Roger Peng, who’s a podcaster himself and writes about statistics, writes a podroll of his current favourite podcasts.

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