Podcast Trends Report published, and Serial season 3 starts
This article is at least a year old
DiscoverPods publish their Podcast Trends Report, some interesting survey results. Caution should be shown regarding the self-selecting nature of the respondents, but some interesting trends nonetheless.
How to turn live broadcasts into podcasts (The Podcast Host)
Serial season three started yesterday. Podcast Review takes a listen.
Poynter does some analysis on recent announcements from Buzfeed, Panoply and Audible to pull out of podcast content. “Everybody wants a 'Serial,' but nobody wants to spend 'Serial’ money”
5 Innovative Podcast Recording Software Solutions To Try Before You Buy - some very nice new tools.
This link is no longer available, as at Aug 6 2023 -
A Forbes blogger highlights an attorney scaling her practice with podcasting (we assume scaling it up, rather than down)
Hollywood seeking a foothold into the podcasting industry says the Hollywood Reporter.
Companies mentioned above:Audible