It's a date! Podcast Movement confirms dates and venues for 2022
This article is at least a year old
Podcast Movement has announced the dates and venues for their in-person events in 2022. Podcast Movement Evolutions will be in Los Angeles CA from March 23-26. Podcast Movement 2022 will be in Dallas TX from August 23-26. Podnews aim to be at both.
Marco Arment from Overcast reversed his experiment of skipping some analytics prefixes when played in the app, within a few hours of our publication yesterday.
PodLP, a podcast app for KaiOS in developing countries, has announced that it will also now skip some analytics prefixes, citing incompatibilities with IPv6.
Is there an opportunity for Incognito Mode for Podcast Apps? Our Editor, James Cridland, writes a proposal that would avoid interference from ad-blockers, ensure IPv6 compatibility, allow users to control attribution of their behaviour as well as allow podcast publishers to retain control. Your feedback would be welcome.
Sounds Profitable has unveiled its deepdive of Spreaker Enterprise for Publishers. Think of this like the final meeting your company would have with an adtech vendor, fully running through what the product actually is and how it’s used.
MagellanAI has published their top 15 US podcast advertisers for February. BetterHelp is number one, spending $4.3m. Feather, a furniture rental service, is the top of the 'movers and shakers’, increasing their spend eightfold.
In France, Slate Audio has launched, a podcast recommendation platform which promotes its own podcasts as well as editorially-selected picks from others, according to Le Pod. It seems unrelated to Slate in the US.
Backtracks has released improved accessibility for their podcast player.
Variety reports a new group “launching a chart of what it considers to be the podcasts that display the most and least bias”. “We are trying to make noise saying advertisers have to be more responsible about the money that’s flowing to certain news sources”.
Libsyn has appointed Douglas Woodrum to its Board of Directors, a former CFO of CNET. In the past, Libsyn has identified significant issues of alleged fraud in China: Woodrum has experience that could help: he’s been CFO at ChinaCast Education Corporation since 2012. ChinaCast filed for bankruptcy in 2016 after former CEO Ron Chan allegedly stole $41m from the company. Some former ChinaCast officials are in jail.
This link is no longer available, as at Sep 1 2023- And, Libsyn’s SEC filing also notes that Libsyn Podcasting has failed to file VAT or GST returns correctly over the last five years, for the EU and at least three additional jurisdictions.
France’s other podcast ranker, run by the ACPM, is out. Choses à Savoir’s Culture Générale is the number one. Like the other one, it’s an incomplete ranker measuring participating publishers only.
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Every podcast directory to list your show in (unless you know better)
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Companies mentioned above:Backtracks
Podcast Movement
Sounds Profitable
The Ringer