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More speakers for OzPod, New Yorker debuts a podcast review column, and fitness fanatics love podcasts

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This article is at least a year old

  • OzPod 2017, the podcast conference in Sydney run by ABC Radio, announces more speakers, described by the press-release as an “all star lineup”. Among the speakers, the conference will be “joined again by writer, media commentator and radio futurologist, James Cridland. James holds a resume of international expertise including time with the BBC. He has recently launched a daily podcast publication,”

    Jul 25 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Open The Pod Bay Doors, a tech podcast by AWS’s Iain Gardiner, interviews Whooshkaa’s CEO, Rob Loewenthal.

  • The New Yorker debuts a new regular podcast review column from Sarah Larson, called Podcast Dept. This week, a review of Ways Of Hearing.

  • US fitness fanatics over-index on podcasts: apparently, 40% have “listened to or watched a podcast on a mobile device in the past month”. Reported in AdWeek.

  • Nine lessons learnt turning a podcast into a book.

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