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How NPR approaches advertising in podcasts, plus a free podcasting event in Canada, and is podcasting ruining radio?

· 0.8 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

Jul 23 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.

NPR talks about its advertising opportunities in podcasts. Lots of clever, listener-sympathetic ideas.

  • New Yorker profiles the rise of the biographical podcast by covering Mogul, a “big step in the evolution of the emerging genre of narrative biographical podcasts”

  • Another radio guy launches a podcast: this time Andy Pollin, who is a Washington DC sports presenter. “I’m not going to bite the hand that feeds me. I think there is still going to be a place for a long, long time for terrestrial radio. But I also believe [podcasting] is the way a lot of people are going.”

  • Event: music guy and radio guy Alan Cross hosts a free podcasting event in Toronto ON Canada, July 26.

  • Is podcasting ruining radio? asks RadioINK magazine, after a remark made by Steven Goldstein at the RAIN Podcast Business Summit. It’s a good precis of the whole event.

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