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12% of New Zealanders listen to podcasts every day

12% of New Zealanders listen to podcasts every day

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This article is at least a year old

  • Data around New Zealand media consumption has been released by NZ OnAir, a government agency. It reveals 12% of New Zealanders now listen to podcasts every day (17% of 15-39 year-olds); podcasting is strongest during the day. Podcast listeners in the country listen to 1 hour 21 minutes of podcasts every day.

  • “The most abusive podcast app, by an order of magnitude”: podcast host Pinecast is not happy with Deezer, accusing the music and podcast app of costing listeners significant money in terms of bandwidth, and putting stress on podcast hosts by downloading every episode every day. “They’re a bad member of the ecosystem,” the company’s tweet concludes. (We don’t see this behaviour replicated on our own podcast; but have seen some convincing detail from Pinecast).

  • Podbay, “the best podcast player on the web”, has had a number of updates including an updated player, position sync (so you’ll never forget where you got up to), and YouTube integration (if the podcast is also on YouTube, you can watch it too - like this). Of course, we’re there.

    Aug 27 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • “No one likes to watch football alone, no one likes to binge movies by themselves, why then should we watch or listen to our favorite podcast without engaging and interacting with the podcast host and other similar subscribers?” That’s the elevator pitch for Podroom, which is available on iOS and Android, and creates a chatroom for every podcast episode.

  • Tom Webster writes that podcasting isn’t special: at least, when it comes to ads. Citing an example of a badly-inserted programmatic ad, he says loud, crappy ads don’t work, wherever they are.

  • After we reported a bug, Podbay has updated their RSS useragent, helping podcasters monitor where their podcasts are being played. Here’s a full list of RSS useragents and best practice.

Our new ad-tech podcast newsletter, Sounds Profitable, sends out its first newsletter on Tuesday. Happy Labor Day!

This link is no longer available, as at Aug 27 2023

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