Creators: what do you think of the big podcast platforms?
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Leela links to Patreon, plus Otto Radio and podcasting (and radio's) resurgence

· 0.8 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • Sandeep Jain, Founder and CEO of podcast app Leela (USP: more powerful search, no downloads to manage), mails me to let me know his app has now enabled direct links to the Patreon donation platform for podcast producers. Nice idea (search for 'James Cridland’ on it to hear my podcast and click through to my Patreon). Suspect this is a first - potentially a good opportunity.

  • Otto Radio, a personalised on-demand radio service, adds podcasts to its offering

  • RAIN reviews a podcast searching tool, They’re impressed.

  • “Our podcasting landscape today demands new podcasts to be more than just funny — they need to be funny and incredibly edited, funny and knowledgeable, funny and uniquely formatted.” - a piece about comedy podcasts

  • In MediaInsider, a nice piece that deliberately conflates podcasting and radio and suggests that they’re both undergoing a surge in support, mainly due to their multitasking nature.

  • A podcast host is to run for Brooklyn Borough President.

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