Joe Biden launches a podcast, Ewan Spence records 500, and a gun
This article is at least a year old
The cheapest and most painful way to improve your podcast - listen to it.
Eurovision-watcher Ewan Spence has now produced 500 episodes of his podcast. “Find a passion, keep the quality as high as possible, always ask if you can do more, and say yes to every opportunity you get.”
Podcasting diversity: “Does diversity in the production side of podcasting matter IF the content attracts a diverse audience on the consumption side?”
The University of Nevada opens a podcasting studio for the community in Reno.
A documentary film about podcasting, Earbuds, is now available for purchase on iTunes.
How podcasting is getting richer, another report from a panel at the Brooklyn Historical Society.
Joe Biden launches a podcast. This article is excited about the bespoke 'skill’ for the Amazon Echo. It’s called Biden’s Briefing.
PodcastOne boss, Norm Pattiz, is alleged to have insisted an employee artificially inflate download numbers - by waving a gun at him. Pattiz denies it all.
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