Podcasts now listened to by over 100m Americans every month
This article is at least a year old
37% of US adults - over 104m people - now listen every month to podcasts, according to the newly-released Infinite Dial 2020 survey from Edison Research and Triton Digital. The figure has grown markedly from 32% a year ago. The data also shows podcasting continuing to head toward gender parity, and increased use of smart speakers. In other news, the research says that almost a third of all Americans no longer own an AM/FM radio.
Podcasting in the Dominican Republic in 2019 is analysed by Robert Sasuke. The Caribbean nation has seen a more than 400% growth in podcasting, mostly driven by Anchor (who host two-thirds of all podcasts there). 40% of podcasts from the country are inactive, though this is better than the global figure of 57%.
PRX’s Privacy Symposium took place late last month in a rather different-feeling New York NY, USA. While much of the privacy symposium was held in private, video of the first four sessions has been released. “We need inspiration, we need experiments, we actually need to fail a little bit more and not crucify those failures, but really learn from them. We need to create standards”, said PRX’s CEO Kerri Hoffman.
- Opinion: We’d hope that The Podcast Academy is the industry’s place to create those standards - if podcast hosts and app developers are represented in that organisation, and if it isn’t just made up of representatives from the US, a country that has a lamentable record in privacy protection.
The Apple Podcasts iOS app has been updated with specific Coronavirus information in the US, reports AppleInsider. Visible in the screenshots are promotion for CNN’s Coronavirus: Fact vs Fiction, NPR’s Coronavirus Daily, and the BBC’s Coronavirus Daily Update. Other new sections include “Cultivating Calm” and “Boredom Busters”. (No change is visible in Australia).
YouTube is warning that more videos than normal may be removed from the service: content moderation on YouTube, and many other platforms, is now being done by algorithms rather than human beings. This may impact podcasters, many of whom use the service for posting video versions of their show.
In The Startup, a Medium publication, Fab Giovanetti writes that monetising your podcast doesn’t have to be hard, giving three ways to do so.
This link is no longer available, as at Aug 22 2023 -
The award ceremony for the Webby Awards has been cancelled.
Aug 22 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
How are your downloads doing? We’re seeing a small drop of about 10%. Do let us know how it is for you - we’d like to give an overview on Monday. Do hit reply and let us know - you’re welcome to stay anonymous.
Podcast News

Companies mentioned above:Anchor
Apple Podcasts
Edison Research
The Podcast Academy