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Did a true-crime podcast nearly stop a conviction?

Did a true-crime podcast nearly stop a conviction?

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This article is at least a year old

  • Can true crime podcasts get in the way of a successful conviction? In Denmark, the trial of a Norwegian woman accused of fraud was briefly threatened by a hit podcast, The Woman With The Heavy Suitcase (in Danish), which covered claims about her activity. Lawyers acting on her behalf raised the concern that she may not get a fair trial because of the podcast; but, happily, none of the judges had listened to it. She was sentenced to 18 months in prison last month, and banned from entering Denmark for twelve years: a ruling which she has appealed.

  • Netflix has self-censored an episode of Patriot Act in Saudi Arabia, after government regulators there requested the removal of an episode about journalist Jamal Khashoggi. ListenNotes reveals that there are 2,676 podcast episodes concerning the journalist, not all of which may be positive to the Saudi government.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 9 2023
  • A new Smart Subscribe Plugin for Wordpress sites, launched yesterday, promises to display only relevant buttons to help turn website visitors into subscribers.

Stats and data

  • As we reported late last year, podcasting in India is growing faster than anywhere else. ZeeBusiness notes that “podcasting platforms in India have seen listenership grow by a staggering 24x in the past 2 years alone.”


    Play trailerOZY Confidential promises “raw, rant-o-riffic crosstalk from the edge”, hosted by Eugene S. Robinson, who “gets heavy, deep and real with everyone from a world renowned Nietzsche scholar who left behind a PhD for life as a crack whore, to Boston Irish Mafia’s Kevin Weeks.” It launches on January 14th. (Libsyn)
    Reedsy Live: The Podcast
    Has everyone got a book in them? Bestseller: a self-publishing podcast by Reedsy tells the story of a former sportswear CEO, Shaz Kahng, and her first foray into self-publishing.

Developers’ corner

  • Podnews self-hosts our podcast (and website). We’ve discovered Amazon Athena, a service which allows fancy SQL queries on server logfiles. We plan an article on using these for podcast statistics, and we’d be keen to hear from any developers who’ve used this already (and sharing notes).

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