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  • The IAB have announced their final schedule to IAB Podcast Upfront, including speakers from the New York Times and ViacomCBS. The event, which will be virtual, is designed for publishers to preview their latest podcast programming to advertisers: attendance is up by 400%, they say.

    Aug 26 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • SCA’s PodcastOne Australia grew its revenue in the year ending June 30 by 96%. The division is now cashflow positive, according to the company, and brought in $4.6m (US $3.3m). That’s less than 1% of total revenues for the broadcaster, however, which fell by 18.2% to $540.8m (US $388.4m).

  • The BBC is launching a a new topical comedy podcast - Comedians vs.The News will be hosted by two New York comedians. The show, which will also be carried on BBC World Service Radio, launches at the end of August.

  • A new service, Camflare, has been launched. Calling itself “the easiest way to record & receive video”, it uses a web browser and webcam to get anyone to record video and audio for you: it connects to Dropbox as well. It’s free for 2020.

  • Echoverse has been launched by Whalerock Industries - the company describes itself as “a next-generation content studio that creates premium sci-fi, supernatural and fantasy audio dramas,” Mark Stern, formerly at US television network SyFy, will serve as president of the company.

  • In India, podcast producer Suno India has received funding from Tollywood movie producer Shobu Yarlagadda.

    Aug 26 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Podcast Movement Virtual has unveiled the platform they will be using for their event in October.

  • If you don’t like graphics, Shellcaster is a terminal-based podcast manager, written in Rust.

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