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Gimlet's new Head of Content: and Chartable's new charts

Gimlet's new Head of Content: and Chartable's new charts

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This article is at least a year old

  • The Apple Podcasts chart in Ireland for 'arts’ looks curious, with a number of (old) shows called “Great Detectives of Old Time Radio” appearing clumped together in the charts. The podcasts all contain public domain content (partially video). The podcast’s author, Adam Graham (who’s in Boise ID, USA), tells us he’s done nothing special.

    • Ireland has only 4.8m people and 44% use iPhone: it’s not inconceivable that it takes just one new subscription to get into the lower-half of an unpopular category like Arts. (Here’s the patent for the Apple Podcast Charts, and more on podcast stats).
  • After Tech Guerrero asked, our podcast subscribe pages now include direct links to iVoox, the large Spanish-language podcast service. We’ll also let you know if you’re not there. Search for your podcast, or take a peek at This American Life. (And here’s more about international podcasting).

  • For International Womens Day yesterday, Acast published a video on IGTV, “celebrating female voices in podcasting and finding out how podcasting empowers their voice”. ⁣

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