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Edison Research expands offices and promotes their people

Edison Research expands offices and promotes their people

· 1.7 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • Edison Research, the company responsible for regular podcasting research in many markets as well as media research and election polling, has announced a major expansion as well as promotions for, among others, Tom Webster and Megan Lazovick (who have both presented the company’s podcasting research). The company is based in Somerville NJ, USA.

  • Steve Bowbrick (day job: BBC Radio 3's digital editor) writes a long (and member-exclusive) piece for Medium about the symphonic era of podcasting - “the bigger, glossier, narrative formats that are going to change audio and storytelling for good”. Also from Steve and available to all via his blog, “11 essentials for the modern podcast” - eleven things that seem obvious when you think about it.

  • BoingBoing writer Rob Reid has written a novel, After On, and it was accompanied by a podcast with additional material. The latest episodes are excerpts from the audiobook, using many celebrity voices. The latest episode itself is the first 70 minutes of the audiobook in full.

    Jul 29 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • A Forbes blogger interviews hip-hop artist Blueprint, who produces the Super Duty Tough Work podcast. “The podcast has opened up a lot of people. It’s turned some people who have been casual fans into real fans. People who were always fans, it kind of reminded them of why they like this in the first place.”

  • In case you missed it: our publisher James Cridland writes, in an opinion piece from August 2016, how the iTunes chart works. It doesn’t measure downloads.

  • A listicle with a difference: a complete list of podcast for museum professionals. A well-authored article from the host of Museums in Strange Places.

    Jul 29 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.

Thank you to Allyson Marino, Nathan Bashaw and Alison Barclay for your kind support via Patreon.

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