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Current event podcasting, more on Apple's analytics and RSS changes, and Radiodays Europe's podcasting day

· 0.9 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • HotPod 123 contains, naturally, more about Apple’s podcast analytics. A balanced look, including why it might come with negatives as well as positives. Total reading time: 19 minutes.

  • A piece from Ben Thompson that delves into podcasting’s history before tackling, you guessed it, Apple’s podcast analytics and Apple’s role in podcasting in general. He makes the point that Apple are relatively anti-advertising, and they’re unlikely to enable the podcast industry to earn more cash.

  • Apple’s more substantive announcement, the amendments to the RSS specification for podcasting, is looked-at in depth by Supertop, who’ve attempted to use them in practice. (They’ve even found one podcast who’s already using them).

  • Tips for promoting “current event podcasts” - i.e. podcasts that aren’t designed to be timeless - from The Audacity To Podcast.

  • Event: Radiodays Europe’s Podcast Day is tomorrow in Copenhagen, Denmark. Here’s the programme. Watch for a hashtag for the event: some great speakers including Helen Zaltzman, Erik Diehn and many others.

  • ESPN is making podcast documentaries.

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