Full keynote from OzPod 2018; don't photograph Apple's earbuds
This article is at least a year old
From Australia’s OzPod 2018 last week, watch the full keynote from James Cridland, Podnews’s editor, with all data from Australia’s podcast consumption.
Apple Podcasts can reject your podcast if your artwork contains a picture of Apple’s earbuds.
More Apple Podcast Chart manipulation: John Perotti, manager of podcast production for WBUR’s iLab, has a “barely listened-to podcast” - WAVes Podcast. Approached by an Apple Podcast “promoter”, he decides to give it a try, not believing it’ll work; spending $5, he discovers his podcast is #7 in the Arts chart shortly after. He posts that it definitely works, and is rightly concerned about what that means.
In Melbourne VIC, Australia on Friday, Commercial Radio Australia’s Radio Alive 2018 included a strand on podcasts - including a production session and one on branded podcasts. The conference also discussed how to get in on the podcast boom.
Aug 7 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
South Africa’s podcasting market is set to boom, according to a piece by Wits Journalism that also contains detail of the continent’s takeup of podcasting.
Spotify, the #2 most popular podcast platform, has launched a dedicated Wear OS app for smartwatches, allowing podcast listeners to consume podcasts on their watch. (Apple watches have had this feature - through Apple’s podcast app - for some time). It’s also updated its mobile phone app for better discovery.
Aug 7 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive. -
New word: “chumcast”, a podcast consisting of “a couple of mates talking”.
From OzPod 2018, Veronica Simmonds posted a set of tips on how to read a script on a podcast without making it sound like you’re reading a script. (Make the image big).
The finalists have been announced for the Parsec Awards - “a celebration of speculative fiction podcasting”.
- Steven Goldstein highlights the need for good introductions to podcasts, and worries that we’re training podcast listeners to skip the introductions:
Aug 7 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
Rambling introductions, self-indulgent commentary or just plain superflous chit-chat can cross the line rapidly from warm and conversational to banal and repelling.
- Gustaf Lindberg posts creative and unique ways to promote your podcast:
Even if you have a truly compelling content and you’ve worked with the best podcast editor to ensure your audio is exceptional, your efforts will prove futile if listeners don’t even know your podcast exists to begin with.
- Evo Terra says that podcasters make for terrible self-promoters:
Along with clueless bloggers and oblivious authors, podcasters fail to see the irony (and near-uselessness) of promoting their creations to others also making similar creations. It’s like trying to sell a painting inside of an art supply store.
- Wil Williams talks about designing podcast cover art.
Podcasters always seem to forget header images. Header images are high-resolution, landscape-oriented images that you or other sites can use on a website.
(Tip: header images? You’ve almost guaranteed a lead story in Podnews.)
- Everything’s going to be all right, a podcast with former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Katie Pavlich, launches today. The press release reads that it’s exclusive content on Entercom’s radio·com platform; the pilot episodes earlier this year were also published on Apple Podcasts.
- 7 Best Podcasts for Salesforce Fanatics (Business News Daily)
RAIN Summit Europe
Podnews has got together with our friends at RAIN to offer complimentary tickets to RAIN Summit Europe, an influential gathering of podcast, radio, research, and technology professionals to discuss digital audio. Attend this full-day event (including lunch and cocktails) at no charge, courtesy of Podnews and RAIN, on Wednesday 7 November at the British Museum in London.
Speakers include Jason Phipps, head of podcasting at the BBC, new research into radio and streaming from Zach Fuller of MIDiA Research, plus speakers from Global, Radionomy, Acast, AdsWizz, Lagardere, IBM iX, Dare, and many others.
As a Podnews subscriber, you can be there at no charge. Just use this exclusive link and get a complimentary ticket.
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Apple Podcasts