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Podcast gets conviction overturned

Podcast gets conviction overturned

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This article is at least a year old

  • A US true crime podcast, In The Dark, has been used in court to help overturn a conviction. The US Supreme Court reversed the conviction of Curtis Flowers on Friday; his story was covered in In The Dark's second season.

  • The Venn, a non-partisan podcast recommendation newsletter around the 2020 US elections, are redesigning their newsletter this week to focus more on their deep-dive topics.

  • Time magazine is reporting on podcasting - “Big Money Is Pouring Into Podcasting. Some Podcasters Love It — But Others Are Freaked Out”

  • Interesting snippet of news from the Acast/RNZ online survey of podcasting in New Zealand, released last week: 25% of podcast listeners do not use apps at all (presumably listening on web pages). Our editor recommended podcast websites should have “a bloody big play button” last year.

    • Curious what the Kiwis are into? Here’s a list
    • Our Editor is speaking at The Power Of Audio, an invite-only conference tomorrow morning in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Digiday covers the efforts from some parts of the podcast tech scene to get attribution for podcast advertising (i.e. “did this podcast ad work”).

  • MediaWeek Australia appears to launch a weekly podcast column, called Podcast Week. It discusses Acast, NewsCast (a podcasting arm of News Corp), and Brexitcast.

  • 84% of recently-released podcasts are MP3, says Castro; 16% of them were AAC. (Ours is AAC, by the way).

  • If you use it to produce podcasts, be aware that Google Hangouts On Air is going away later this year.

  • Podcast veteran Rob Greenlee has finally given up his Windows Phone. He’s shifted to an iPhone XS Max.

  • In the UK, the Sunday Times has a long piece from a self-confessed podcast addict, hidden behind their paywall.

  • The second most popular podcast app, Spotify, has decided that it paid songwriters and publishers too much in 2018, and according to MBW would “like their money back”.



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