The world's biggest kids podcaster, Omny Studio gets into Spotify, and a stage play about podcasting
This article is at least a year old
Fun Kids, the UK children’s radio station, announces that it’s the world’s biggest podcaster of kids content, with 68 different podcast channels (and over 2,000 episodes). Fun Kids host with Omny Studio.
Omny Studio, the Melbourne-based podcast hosting platform, announces that their podcasts will now appear on Spotify.
Perhaps connected with the above, Bloomberg reports that Spotify is becoming more aggressive as a podcast player, promoting podcasts on Spotify in (US) advertising.
They’re now making stage plays about podcasting. You can go and see this one in Manhattan, August 23 - September 3.
Anchor has launched a migration service to allow podcasters to switch hosts. Free, and with plans to share revenue from preroll ads later.
Coverage of Acast, the Swedish podcast platform, in The Guardian. “If a brand wants to reach women aged 30-35, in London, in August, Acast will serve the ads to all listeners who fit that demographic across their different podcasts.”
Mashable argues that radio is not diverse, and that podcasting will “turn that around”.
Companies mentioned above:Acast
Fun Kids
Omny Studio