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Chartable launch SmartLinks, get $1.5m funding

Chartable launch SmartLinks, get $1.5m funding

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This article is at least a year old

  • Chartable announce a new product called SmartLinks - a way to measure marketing and to link automatically to the right podcast app depending on device. It’s free for all. They’ve also raised $1.5m in funding from a set of investors. Initialized, one of those investors, explain why they invested in Chartable, and founder Dave Zohrob explains why they raised the money.

    • Related to the above, did you know Podnews has a podcast? Subscribe to it here. (Yes, it’s our smart link.)
  • The Podcast Host, a website containing over 600 articles about podcasting, has had a redesign, to “make it much easier for podcasters to navigate around the maze of information, and find what they need to succeed right now.”

  • Dear Podcasting World is a piece of research about “discovering insights, pain points and problems of podcast listeners today.” Written up on Medium, it may offer useful feedback to podcasters and podcast app developers alike.

  • Podcasting in France - there’s a full report about podcasting in the country available here from Linda Fall (en Français) with lots of information. She also edits a bi-monthly newsletter abut the French podcast market, and a lot of resources on the industry.

    Aug 13 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • The Wall Street Journal publishes an article, Why Spotify Sees Potential in Podcasts, including an interview with Finance chief Barry McCarthy. Also, see this article in The Motley Fool.

  • AdsWizz launches AudioGO, a product that lets small buyers purchase audio advertising “on premium audio services like Pandora and other premium publishers”. The minimum for the product is just US$250, opening advertising in these services up to a wider set of potential clients.

  • Apple are trialling a new session in one of their stores: Creating Your First Podcast is running from next week at the Apple Store in Chicago (and the store is also host to some live podcast recordings). They may roll this session out to other stores in future.

  • So far as we’re aware, this is the first time The Economist has covered a podcast as part of its culture section - reviewing Mobituaries.


    To Live and Die in LA
    Play trailerTo Live And Die In LA has so far had 15 million downloads, and will conclude later this month. The team behind the podcast have announced a new title from June, called Culpable. (Tenderfoot TV / Cadence13 / Megaphone)
    Talkhouse Podcast
    Play trailerThe Talkhouse Podcast has just celebrated their 250th edition, where musicians, actors, filmmakers, and others speak one-on-one with their peers. The 250th edition was a special Mothers Day episode, featuring eleven artists. (Libsyn)
    The Cricket World Cup starts on 30th May and the Ashes starts on 1st August, and if this means anything to you, The Urnbelievable Ashes Podcast returns for series 2 next Monday, hosted by comedian Andy Zaltzman (The Bugle) and Felicity Ward. (ABC Radio Australia)
    The latest episode of Unstructured seeks to answer the question: “should podcast guests pay to be on podcasts?” Christopher Lochhead and Super Joe Pardo have opposing views. (Eric Hunley / Podbean)

Companies mentioned above:
AdsWizz logoAdsWizzApple logoAppleCadence13 logoCadence13Chartable logoChartablePandora logoPandoraSpotify logoSpotifyTenderfoot TV logoTenderfoot TV

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