Creators: what do you think of the big podcast platforms?
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Awards nights - podcasting's winners in Britain and Australia

Awards nights - podcasting's winners in Britain and Australia

Listen · · 3 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old


  • Greg Campion argues that podcasts add stress to our lives and impair our decision-making:
    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 13 2023

    It’s beyond critical to have downtime. Time to think. Time when we are neither creating nor consuming content. Time when we are just being. Just driving. Just walking. Just riding the subway.


    Bottom of the Map
    Play trailerNew from WABE, Bottom of the map delves into a passionate exploration of Southern hip-hop culture and its impact on the world. We’re told “the first episode will be all about unpacking the Trap/Trap Brunch/Trap Water phenomena. Has Trap been gentrified? Is Trap the new Punk?” which hopefully makes sense to someone.

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