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BBC sees a 12% increase in podcast downloads in UK year-on-year

BBC sees a 12% increase in podcast downloads in UK year-on-year

· 1.2 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • The BBC Press Office has told me (since I asked) total UK downloads to the Corporation’s podcasts: 215 million in 2016, and 240 million in 2017 - a 12% increase year-on-year. (The BBC measure non-UK downloads separately.)

  • A reminder that Edison Research’s “Infinite Dial 2018” data is released on Thursday March 8th. It promises an expanded section about podcasting. Here’s where to register.

  • Evo Terra wants you to think harder about the content of your podcast, and to go “podcast-first”.

  • McDonald’s has a new podcast, The Sauce. Chris Ashmore from Be Media tells the story behind it, and points out how clever the podcast is as part of McDonald’s marketing mix.

  • Podcast Review reviews Radio West.

  • HotPod 153 is out. Nick is keen that you start preserving your podcasts, and also looks into the new Anchor.

  • Podtrac have released their top 20 podcasts for January 2018. The Daily is at #2.

    Jul 30 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Australia’s radioinfo covers a new branded podcast, with the title “Podcasts made by radio people are good for business”.

    Jul 30 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Meanwhile, swearing in podcasts - good or not? Abrupt Audio talks about heffing and jeffing.

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