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Aussie podcast research, and Pocket Casts on Sonos

· 1 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

Lots of juicy data: Edison Research release The Podcast Consumer Australia. In short: more Aussies know what a podcast is than Americans - but they listen to fewer. Most popular listening environment: at home (just like the ABC’s YourSpace research said last year). Most people click-to-listen to podcasts, and only 27% subscribe.

  • Sonos smart speakers add support for Pocket Casts, a well-regarded iOS and Android podcast app. Currently in beta.

  • Chorus: an app where podcast lovers can share their recommendations. Looking for feedback from podcasters.

    Jul 24 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • A discussion on whether to use your real name in your podcast.

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Edison Research logoEdison Research

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