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Audiocraft announces 2018 festival program

Audiocraft announces 2018 festival program

· 1.5 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • Audiocraft, a podcast conference in Sydney NSW, Australia, has launched their 2018 Festival program, as well as an Original Content Development Retreat.

  • The Australian ABC has launched a new podcast, Fierce Girls, promising “the inspiring tales of some of Australia’s most extraordinary women”.

  • Dan Misener from Pacific Content has an obsession with the Apple Top 200 Podcasts, using actual data to discover the trends for individual categories. A fascinating read. “Timing matters”, he concludes.

  • In London, The Guardian is looking for an Executive Producer, Audio. “The successful candidate will run a small team, devising a workflow that fits into a busy newsroom and delivering a podcast to schedule.” The newspaper’s Head of Audio asks if Podnews charges for job ads. Perhaps leaving this under the 'classifieds section’ will help… ;)

    This link is no longer available, as at Jul 31 2023
  • Podcast Review covers the On Air Fest in Williamsburg NY, USA last weekend.

  • In Melbourne VIC, Australia, Dave Zwolenski is speaking tomorrow night at the Melbourne Podcasters meetup. The subject: Standing out in the (crowded) comedy podcast category.

  • An interesting opinion piece in AdWeek: Advertisers Were Slow to Embrace the Web, and They’re Doing It Again With Podcasts - it’s written by Ross Adams from Acast, but even given his obvious bias, it’s a good piece, arguing “now is the optimal time to invest in podcast advertising”.

  • The finalists and winners of the Australian Podcast Awards will be archived in the National Film & Sound Archive, it was announced today; a nice idea that other podcast awards might do well to consider in their own country.

  • Motherboard has the disturbing news that an artificial intelligence program is making an infinite podcast. It’ll be unique for every listener, and should be launched in 2019.

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