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Audioboom release half-yearly results; the US's biggest podcast advertisers

Audioboom release half-yearly results; the US's biggest podcast advertisers

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  • Audioboom have published positive half-year results, showing that revenue is 43% up vs this time last year; operating loss has reduced by 18%; total downloads have increased by 14%. The Board also claims that they have enough funding to see the company through to profit.

    • Their COO, Stuart Last, has also posted a detailed piece highlighting where their growth is coming from. Their profit contribution from their own 'Originals’ is 11% of total gross profit (up from 2% a year ago); and non-US revenue has nearly doubled.
  • Magellan release the top 15 advertisers on US podcasts in June. ZipRecruiter remains at #1, but there’s another recruitment company in the list. It also includes audio examples for each advertiser.

  • Pacific Content’s Steve Pratt notes: Podcasts don’t “go viral.” Is that worth celebrating? - a point about a lack of clickbaity podcasts.

Thank you to Auscast, Australia’s coolest podcast network, and Alitu, the podcast maker app, for becoming supporters of Podnews. I appreciate your support.

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