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Audible eliminates a large number of podcasting roles

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This article is at least a year old

  • Today is the 10 year anniversary of the Horse Radio Network. Glenn says that they just passed 7,000 episodes, have interviewed over 9,000 guests, currently have 18 shows with 32 hosts and have had the support of over 50 sponsors. “We’re pretty proud of what we have done in a relatively small niche of horses,” he adds. Congratulations (and thank you for the long-term support of Podnews).

    Aug 4 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • Spotted recently: the NYT’s Still Processing podcast gets top billing in the NYT app.

  • New podcasts:

    • Sell everything, quit your jobs, and just travel: this is the premise for The Jetsetting Family Travel Podcast, from Castbox / The Podglomerate. It’s hosted with Cast Plus.
    • I love you, but I hate your politics is a podcast showing listeners “how to disagree civilly and flourish in their relationships, despite political differences”, from Macmillan.
    • Grovers Mill comes out in September, and follows a recent disappearance in New Jersey.

    • Aug 4 2023: This broken link now points to the Internet Archive.
  • In London, an event talking podcasting, with the BBC’s new podcast boss and others. It’s on September 25.

  • Plex have taken their podcasts feature out of beta.

  • Revenue is up 50% at Stitcher; Freakonomics is getting over 12 million downloads every month.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 4 2023
  • As the Ale House Turns, a new podcast about beer, is highlighted by the Chicago Tribune.

  • Podcasting shows the value of an open internet, writes John Bergmayer, highlighting the difference between podcasting and, say, YouTube.

  • Listicle: 7 fantasy podcasts beyong the fantasy zone

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