Voxnest says 9.4% of all podcast downloads are on the Apple Watch
This article is at least a year old
In data shared with Podnews, Voxnest says that, on average, 9.4% of all podcast downloads on its platform are on an Apple Watch device. The 'humps’ in the graph above, where the percentage rises to over 13%, are related to weekends. Voxnest’s tools include Spreaker, catering to independent podcasters, Hive, a turnkey platform for enterprises, and Dynamo, a standalone monetisation solution. Apple Watches gained the option to play podcasts in mid September.
Omny Studio has launched a transcription tool for podcasters and audio publishers. The system allows publishers to “repurpose interviews and breaking news for written articles, and radio producers will be able to search through an on-air archive for specific topics or keywords”.
Ana Ormaechaea, co-founder of the Cuonda podcast platform in Spain, is interviewed (in Spanish) by Nobbot. “Currently, between podcast partners and own productions we have about half a million downloads per month.”
The Amazon Echo smart speaker family is now available in Italy and Spain. (It gets its podcasts, by default, from TuneIn). Meanwhile, the Google Home Hub, launched last week, makes podcasts look quite nice, we discover.
ESPN Podcasts claim a “record-breaking” September, claiming 39.3m downloads.
Podcast app Otto Radio has closed. The app, now called hibooks, is focusing on audiobooks. “You wanted the best content, the best stories. You wanted audiobooks.” The website promotes Himalaya as a replacement.
Meanwhile, podcast app Breaker has added a dark mode, “just in time for Halloween”.
The Bello Collective post a list of podcast awards, partly as a result of iHeartRadio’s podcast award announcement last week.
How long is the average podcast? Dan Misener has grabbed 10 million podcasts and produced a bunch of stats from them. As Podnews’s Editor will tell you - or your audience in speaking engagements - “A podcast should be as long as it needs to be: but no longer. Edit, polish, and make every moment matter.”
Nick Hilton asks has podcasting failed?:
Why are we still having the same arguments about pricing in the industry? Why are we still engaging in the hobbyists vs professionals debate? What fundamental failure has happened, in the industry, in the last decade, to leave it so far behind where it should be?
Alex Kontis-Carrington has learnt that:
Taking your time to make longer recordings can lead to better interviews.

Companies mentioned above:Amazon
Omny Studio