Lots of the Apple Podcasts store is broken

Lots of the Apple Podcasts store is broken

· 1.6 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • In the Apple Podcasts store, how old is “New and Noteworthy” for you? Is the entire feature broken? In a (closed) Facebook group, it’s been noticed that most “New and Noteworthy” categories, for example Australian Business, only feature podcasts that launched between January and March 2016. It’s not alone - the US store also appears to only show podcasts launched in early 2016, too. I checked “Comedy” in the Australian store: it includes one podcast that hasn’t added a single episode since October 2016, another was updated in November 2016, and plenty that haven’t been updated in three months. Has something broken at Apple?

  • The Google app on Android phones (installed by default) appears to be adding a feature to download podcasts according to a teardown of the latest beta. “This podcast episode has been downloaded” is one of the strings now in the software…

  • The Australian ABC is to re-organise: say goodbye to “radio, tv, news” and hello to “News, Analysis & Investigations”, “Entertainment & Specialist”, and “Regional & Local”. Also, “the ABC will also introduce a new Content Ideas Lab responsible for incubating initiatives to introduce ABC content to new audiences.”

  • Relevant for the above story, Behind the Media is a podcast for media wonks from The Australian, published by Whooshkaa. 30-minute long-form interviews with journalists.

  • Buzzfeed cover “the people who listen to podcasts crazy fast” - and calls them “podfasters”. At least one person is unhappy about this term.

  • A writeup from the recent RAIN Summit Europe, where this attendee got a bit frustrated about stats.

  • The Chicago Tribune covers the Dunc’d On podcast, a super-dull sports podcast that’s earning money. Of note: it’s produced in San Francisco, where the three-hour time-difference helps the production process.

  • Here are two comedians making a podcast - Two in the Think Tank - interviewed by the Australian ABC in Darwin.

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