AdsWizz partners with podcast hosts to help monetise podcasting

AdsWizz partners with podcast hosts to help monetise podcasting

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This article is at least a year old

  • In a packed presentation, Tom Webster from Edison Research revealed video research with people who’d never listened to podcasts at Podcast Movement 2018.

  • TechCrunch covers Wilson, the curated podcast app for iPhone.

  • Audioburst, the audio search platform, has been selected as a winner in “best media APIs” in the 2018 API Awards

  • Is Anchor a threat to existing podcast hosts, or growing the market? Padraig from Castro has analysed the data. Separately, Anchor has announced a revamp of their mobile editing tools.

  • Late Confirmation, a daily news podcast about cryptocurrencies, debuts today. It’s a twenty-minute audio briefing about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, from CoinDesk.

  • WeEditPodcasts list 12 podcast newsletters you should subscribe to

  • HotPod focuses on a podcast that Netflix apparently propelled to success

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