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Adelicious, a podcast monetisation agency, publicly launches

Adelicious, a podcast monetisation agency, publicly launches

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This article is at least a year old

  • A new podcast advertising platform has fully launched. London’s Adelicious is working with some of the world’s biggest podcasts, and claims an inventory of millions of monthly listens across the world.

  • How much is it to listen to a free podcast on Amazon? Apparently $8.95 according to Charlie Harding, who tweeted a screenshot of the Amazon website yesterday. The Verge covered the story. Amazon have removed those prices but have not responded for comment; however, Nick Quah’s Hot Pod Insider has been told it was a technical error. Podnews’s podcast appears to be free again, as we go to press.

  • The Podcast Academy has announced three new members of the Board: Kintan Brahmbhatt (GM of Podcasts at Amazon Music), Amy S. Choi (The Mash-Up Americans), and DeRay Mckesson (a civil rights activist and host of Pod Save the People). The new Executive Committee has also been appointed, including a new Chairperson; an announcement of who that is may be made later today.

    This link is no longer available, as at Aug 30 2023

The leadership change was a planned event and each year we will be appointing new officers at the January meeting (with a new term of February). And, starting in 2022, we will be transitioning from the Founding Board of Governors to an elected board from the membership. Rob Greenlee continues as an active member of the board and an important part of helping us to grow and improve.

  • Are you a fiction podcast writer? Shore Scripts are looking for submissions for their Fiction Podcast Contest. You’ve got until January 22 to get your scripts in; you stand to win cash and your script to be produced into a pilot.

  • Quill have posted a great compilation video of some of the biggest names in podcasting on why brands should have a podcast, what got them into podcasting, where they normally listen, and more.

  • Taptapes is “the best way to discover, share and talk about podcasts”. Your podcast is likely to already be there; you can claim your show.

  • The folks behind Metronome, a podcast shortlinks service, have posted about how they launched their product. The service now has an inbuilt player and a number of other features. Here’s an example.

  • Neil Mody from Headliner posts about the company’s work to get diverse images into its service.

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Podcast News

    Word Wild Web
    Play trailerWord Wild Web claims to be the first podcast to be hosted by artificial intelligence. The podcast will search the internet, choose two things, and decide which is better. Expect a check between potatoes vs eggs and things that are big vs things that are small.
    Podnews Weekly Review
    Play trailerPodland this week features interviews with Rob Greenlee, Anna Parker-Naples, and Bryan Barletta.

Companies mentioned above:
Adelicious logoAdeliciousAmazon logoAmazonHeadliner logoHeadlinerHot Pod logoHot PodQuill logoQuillThe Podcast Academy logoThe Podcast AcademyThe Verge logoThe Verge

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