Acast to go public and the value of niche podcasting
This article is at least a year old
Podcast host and monetizer Acast looks to go public on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Ross Adams is made the new CEO.
Abrupt Audio post How to use video to market your podcast. It’s mainly a walk through how to use Auphonic. (Podcast hosts may also offer a similar tool).
Pocket Casts on iOS gets some updates. It supports Apple Watch better, supports the iPhone X, loads podcast images better, and has some bugfixes.
This piece in the Santa Monica Daily Press explores the value of niche podcasting
Radio Survivor talks about the hard questions every podcaster should consider as you design a course in podcasting.
HotPod 138 features live shows for podcasting, subscriptions (including Patreon), and lots more. Reading time 19 minutes 42 seconds.
Our most popular article ever, and coincidentally our only article ever - How podcast show notes display in 18 different apps has one more app than yesterday: Google Play Music Podcasts. To save you the click: it’s rubbish at displaying show notes. Thanks to those who shared it.
Android devices will now pair with some Bluetooth devices automatically. Fast Pair is available on devices running Android 6.0 or above (currently 50% run this) - and needs the device to also support it (currently, um, 4 devices do). As a reminder, the Google Pixel 2 no longer has a headphone port.
Should you launch with multiple episodes? Daniel J Lewis looks into it in his latest podcast, busts some myths, and gives reasons either way.
Companies mentioned above:Acast
Pocket Casts