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Acast to go public and the value of niche podcasting

· 1.3 minutes to read

This article is at least a year old

  • Podcast host and monetizer Acast looks to go public on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Ross Adams is made the new CEO.

  • Abrupt Audio post How to use video to market your podcast. It’s mainly a walk through how to use Auphonic. (Podcast hosts may also offer a similar tool).

  • Pocket Casts on iOS gets some updates. It supports Apple Watch better, supports the iPhone X, loads podcast images better, and has some bugfixes.

  • This piece in the Santa Monica Daily Press explores the value of niche podcasting

  • Radio Survivor talks about the hard questions every podcaster should consider as you design a course in podcasting.

  • HotPod 138 features live shows for podcasting, subscriptions (including Patreon), and lots more. Reading time 19 minutes 42 seconds.

  • Our most popular article ever, and coincidentally our only article ever - How podcast show notes display in 18 different apps has one more app than yesterday: Google Play Music Podcasts. To save you the click: it’s rubbish at displaying show notes. Thanks to those who shared it.

  • Android devices will now pair with some Bluetooth devices automatically. Fast Pair is available on devices running Android 6.0 or above (currently 50% run this) - and needs the device to also support it (currently, um, 4 devices do). As a reminder, the Google Pixel 2 no longer has a headphone port.

  • Should you launch with multiple episodes? Daniel J Lewis looks into it in his latest podcast, busts some myths, and gives reasons either way.

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